My Favorite Architectural Photography Shots of 2015
Architecture photography has become one of my passions. Not only is it incredibly fun and challenging to create beautiful images, but I get to see and spend time in some of the most amazing homes around southwest Montana. I guess it is only natural I love to shoot architecture with my dad being an architect and my mom being an interior designer. When I photograph architecture I really try to create a sense of place - I want the image to look as if you could step right into it, like you want to be there and experience the home as it was meant to be experienced. To do this I try to use as much natural light as possible. I want the home, the views, the furnishings to feel as real as possible.
Looking back on 2015 I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing people and in gorgeous, stunning homes! Seeing all the photos and remembering what it took to get a specific shot - especially the ones I photographed when I was 8 ½ months pregnant, ha! Try moving heavy furniture with a big ol' belly:) Some of the homes I photographed were featured in some pretty cool publications:
Architectural Digest
LA Times
Wall Street Journal
The Week Magazine
I have included some of my favorite shots of the year.